Tuesday, June 07, 2005

j a y f l e x: u go to starbucks?
quenchYOurkirst: yeah
j a y f l e x: who else went?
quenchYOurkirst: joe meechy gp derrick and earlose
j a y f l e x: earlose?
quenchYOurkirst: erwin
quenchYOurkirst: cmon sultan
j a y f l e x: sorry
j a y f l e x: hout bout erwout?
quenchYOurkirst: hahahahaha
quenchYOurkirst: nosewin
j a y f l e x: i'mma crash
j a y f l e x: pizzles
j a y f l e x: wait... no starbucks for the sultan?
quenchYOurkirst: hahahah
j a y f l e x: such high standards
quenchYOurkirst: which one?
quenchYOurkirst: lol
quenchYOurkirst: nahh
quenchYOurkirst: he has his delievered by random whores
j a y f l e x: hahahah
j a y f l e x: wow
quenchYOurkirst: LOL


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